Camer Social Club (SC) Inc. originated from the passion of a game that can be qualified as a national symbol in Cameroon; the game of football referred to in North America as soccer. After immigration to Canada, on March 28th, 2009, a few friends decided to start meeting on Sundays at the Century Gardens recreation Centre in Brampton to exercise through soccer. This date marks the formal creation of Camer SC.
The information about these meetings quickly spread and by the summer of 2009, the group had rapidly grown. At this early stage, participants to these Sunday meetings were usually reminded about training by word of mouth and text messages.
As the group continued to grow, it was recognized that providing an organized environment for players was crucial. On June 19th 2009, an egroup was created to facilitate communication. The egroup enabled members to be reached easily through a single message with 10 AM (later modified to 1 PM) as the start time for training. At this infant stage, Camer SC focused on inculcating its members with a mentality of winning through teamwork. The 2009 summer turned out to be quite busy with the team participating in several friendly games and tournaments including the Alliance of Cameroonians (ALCA) 7th Annual Community Tournament.
Camer SC continued to grow even after the summer of 2009 by introducing the development of social capital for its members. It helped members build rapport with one another through rotational meetings that took place each Sunday after training. Such meetings allowed members to visit the residence of others during which they held discussions that allowed them to become acquainted to others. Even during the winter, activities including playing continued indoors.
In December 2009, Camer SC organized its inaugural Christmas Party in Brampton. As the relationship between members strengthened, it was decided to extend the interaction of Camer SC beyond the Province of Ontario.
As a result, in May 2010, Camer SC accepted an invitation to take part on May 22nd, 2010 in its first tournament in Montreal as part of the Ottawa-Gatineau Cultural Week organized by the Association of Cameroonians in Canada (ACC). Since then, Camer SC has been travelling to Montreal and recently to Kitchener on an annual basis to support partner associations. During the summer of 2010, Camer SC also participated in the Canadian Cup of African & Caribbean Nations (CCACN) and Alliance of Cameroonians (ALCA) tournaments in the GTA as well as several friendly games against teams of partner association such as GRAMEN to enhance its public relations.
In 2011, Camer SC decided to formalize its operations within the legal framework of the Canadian Government. In this regard, Camer SC submitted an application and was granted a certificate of Incorporation on May 19th, 2011 in which the club was registered as Camer SC Inc. In the summer of 2012, Camer SC decided to extend its activities from playing to organizing. Camer SC organized the first edition of the United Community Tournament in Mississauga from July to August 2012. This tournament saw the participation of teams from Oakville, Brampton, Mississauga and Toronto. The principal outcome was the establishment of bridges between various communities without any religious, racial or associated barriers.
In the summer of 2013, following the 2nd edition of the united community soccer tournament, Camer SC decided to use its organizational prowess to provide a unique platform for interaction and cooperation between Cameroonians living in Canada and Cameroonian Canadians through the Cameroon Canadian Championship (CCC). This tournament which was today at its third edition has witnessed tremendous participation from our friends in Montreal, Ottawa, Kitchener as well as the GTA. In 2015, Camer SC decided to suspend the organization of the United Community soccer tournament in order to strike a balance between meeting the needs of its members and uniting the community.
In line with the vision of winning enshrined by its founders, Camer SC has amassed over 10 trophies from various tournaments during its six years of existence. These include: the Alliance of Cameroonians soccer tournament, the Soba convention soccer tournament in Montreal, the United Community soccer tournament, the Commons.T soccer tournament, the Cameroon Cultural Association of Kitchener-Waterloo Soccer Tournament, the Nufi Canada Summer Adult soccer tournament and of course the Cameroon Canadian Championship.
The story of Camer SC has not always been rosy. Camer SC has faced and continues to face several challenges as an association. Camer SC is still grappling with the structuring of suitable programs to give back more to the community especially to women and kids.
Camer SC is convinced, with the determination and tenacity of its members, but most of all with your support, it will surmount these challenges. Camer SC will like to remind you all that what is most important is not the team that wins the trophy during the Cameroon Canadian Championship, but rather, our ability to come together and celebrate our efforts to establish a strong identity for the Cameroonian community in Canada.
Camer SC thank its past and present members for their contributions to this story.